
KUNDERT has been training apprentices since its foundation in 1906. We attach great importance to training and promoting young talent, which is why we offer apprenticeships for the following professions every year:

Lehre KV 8
  • KV Lehre

    Commercial Employee (KV) EFZ

    Our three-year commercial training programme provides you with the basic social and methodological skills, knowledge and abilities required to take on administrative tasks as a commercial specialist.

  • Lehre Polymech Titelbild

    Polymechanic EFZ

    After your four-year apprenticeship as a polymechanic, you will be able to independently programme and set up complex computer-controlled milling and turning machines.

  • Lehre Prodmech Titelbild

    Production mechanic EFZ

    After your three-year apprenticeship as a production mechanic, you will be able to set up complex computer-controlled milling and turning machines independently.

Responsible for the supervision of apprentices


Jeannine Landert

Human Resources

+41 (0)55 225 16 69


Patrik Winiger

Modular Assembly / Apprenticeship

+41 (0)55 225 16 39